What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a common mental health disorder characterized by constant feelings of apprehension, worry, and nervousness. It involves both physical and psychological symptoms.
Some key points about anxiety include:
- It is a normal emotion that everyone experiences at times. Mild anxiety can be helpful in some situations, like when giving a speech or taking an exam.
- Anxiety becomes a disorder when the feelings become excessive, irrational, or interfere with normal life and functioning.
- There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, separation anxiety, and selective mutism.
- Common psychological symptoms include excessive worry, restlessness, feeling tense or "on edge," irrational fears, a sense of impending doom, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and sleep problems.
- Common physical symptoms include pounding heart, shortness of breath, upset stomach, sweaty palms, muscle tension, fatigue, and headaches.
What causes anxiety? Contributing factors may include trauma, genetics, brain chemistry, substance abuse, medical conditions, and stress.
How is anxiety treated? Treatment options include therapy, medications, relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, and alternative approaches like hypnotherapy. Many find a combination most helpful.
With proper treatment, most people with anxiety disorder can manage their condition and live full, normal lives. Reach out to a doctor or mental health professional at Balance Clinic if anxiety symptoms are getting in the way of work, relationships, education, or other parts of life. Overcoming anxiety is possible!